Tuesday, December 30, 2008
zzz......to sch we go
ya lah, i noe lah, nvr post for a long time pls pls do forgive me, beg ur pardon
those who same sch as me, see u all on eerrrr. friday...tho not looking forward to some things in sch too
i think even a 1 year holiday still not enough zzz..........
grrr.....u noe how i always watched football, now its going to come to an end, dunno y sec 4 so important, i planning to join the workers party anyways
hais.........sch sch sch....sch! here we come! zzzs................
WIshing every1 reading this blog a happy new year!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
shopping with my assisstant, need a shopping list! oh yes Pearl Harbour 63rd anniversary
must buy some prizes for small kids
small kids hard to pls
prizes for a poomsae competition for small kids
those ppl dunnoe TKD 1 Poomsae competition is a TKD pattern competition
the competition is based on teamwor on who can do the pattern synchronised, hows the execution of each move, also hows well you kick, block blah blah....
ok for those TKD guys out there
well watever you do, always follow the instructor, follow the timing with your instructor, do not do the pattern timing in watever you like, also, must learn to work together as a team no matter wat even if itss difficult, also, the pattern is not based on speed but on quality moves
dun rush thru like as if u r late for a flight but however you must execute your moves fast and accurately like for eg if 1 person high block 2 low will find themselves marks deducted
so PRACTISE if you all want to win together as a team
right now, me n my asisstant have to come up with a shopping list, my assistant going to malaysia, even more sian
Dec7 1941
Pearl Harbour being attacked
commemoration for the day in infamy where brave US sailors gave up their lives
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour
Flagship Akagi(image above) with carriers Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku & Zuikaku launched 350+aircraft and attacked the Pearl Harbour. They sunk 5 battleships, 2 destroyers, destryed 188 aircraft and killed 2345 military personnel/civilians
this is the battleship row of Pearl Harbour, the ship above being struck by a torpedo hit is Battleship USS West Virginia
well eventually the Amercians got full revenge for their raid, carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu were sunk 6 mnths later in the Battle of Midway
Carriers Shokaku and Zuikaku became the most wanted targets by the US navy and Shokaku was sunk by 3 torpedo fired from the submarine USS Cavalla on 2 years later 19 June 1944 while Zuikaku survived a little longer but was sunk by US carrier forces on 25 October 1944
Some US battleships and destroyers sunk were raised by the navy to take part in the US shore bombarment in the island hopping campaign
in all, the US sailors who gave their lives for bravery will always be remembered
oh yes
btw if you need any contact lenses can go to http://shoplovee.blogspot.com/ to buy or order some more info can contact Ronald Lee
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Dinner with tuition teacher, again!
again the Maris Stella People got to dine with our Maths tuition teacher
we ate western food then have some nice chat, our Maths tuition teacher very good one lah.
he very understanding towards everybody, always care about our studies, no matter what subjects
you want some maths tuition can give hima call 9696 6348. He is called Mr Lee
Well, holidays are so long and dun noe y lah suddenly want come back sch, not becoz i miss the sch but to see friends, havent like met any1 frm sch for a while
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
another post again......after a long long time
wa lao wei, the menu all italian, so in the end have to read food description and ask the manager but anyways the food was SUPER GOOD!
well the Italian restaurant called: i forgot! lols when i do another post i post the name har, ok?
well this few days have been studying
of course not study school subjects lah
study school subjects waste time 1 lah
who in the world outside will ask u
eh, mr so n so, can u do this algebric manipulation?
hey, miss so n so, can u do this ohm's law question?
no rite?
ah ya, so study, study politics n the stock market
well, will be conducting a TKD camp n going to Spain soon
Saturday, November 22, 2008
very TIRED now, YAWNS!!!
so anyways last saturday, started my personal record breaking attempt, to watch TV for more than a previous record of 73 hours. So ya, i managed to do that hahas, frm Saturday precisely 8am, i watched TV all the way till Wednesday 3.15pm, so thats like 139 and a quater hrs woo hoo!!!!
well let me give u some tips if u want to stay awake like so long
1) Watch TV! Of crse lah, watch n watch wont feel tired 1
2)Drink Coffee! this one work for me, how abt u?
3)Eat SPicy food! well your tongue shld eat chilli till it feels numb and u will feel your body temperature rise, so feel so uncomfortable wont fall asleep
4)Eat chocolates! Just imagine yourself eating chocos the whole day, sure is gd n will make u awake on for more chocos
5)Sleep as much as you can b4 this adventure of staying awake, DUH!
6)Exercise, DUH!
oks......well anyways, was really quite pissed off with this match!
Deutschland 1 England 2
Patrick Helmes 62 Matthew Upson 22 John Terry 85
Stupid referee, england goals shldnt even have stood! B4 Upson score, Defoe pull down my fav goalkeeper Rene Adler, eh referee, your eye got prob or Not? then later Terry score thru free kick, the free kick shouldnt even been given lor! stupid leh, say Simon Rolfes pull down Shaun Wright Phillips, u got open your eyes or not? IT WAS WRIGHT- PHILLIPS WHO PULLED DOWN SIMON ROLFES! then ok, Penalty given, but Terry WAS OFFSIDE!
STupid referee, if the referee reading my blog, well referee, i would say this to you, YOU ARE AS GOOD AS BEING A BLIND MAN!
Anyways, enough of scolding referee, now anyways Portugal kanna thrashed by Brazil 6-2 !!!!!
thats y we shld watch soccer!
ok....stay awake, watch soccer!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
have been enjoying
last friday, my tuition teacher brought the whole class for a restaurant buffet high tea at Sakae Sushi. Since its a eat all you can, i ate like 17 plates of food down there lols, couldn't eat anything for the next 27 hrs, so full man! Well the ppl who were dining there were me of crse and my tuition n maris stella mates, Chen Guan, Jian Han and Shaun Kho. Only maris stella ppl came! well hahas to the others who did not come for tuition since they miss eating gd Japanese food! 2 bad for them! MMmmmmmm...Wows and Yummies!
last sunday, well, i n my 2 assisstant instructors went to Toa Payoh Sports Hall to watch the Korean National Taekwondo Demonstration team perform. They were damn cool sia... WEll, Honestly, i can only do like 5% of wat the Koreans did, lols, maybe my assisstants can fare better. CLaps to the Korean Taekwondo team. WE later went to Mcdonalds for our dinner, coz no food provided unfortunately.
well so 2day, i and another tuition teacher go Lan shop ya. Gd sia, play Counterstrike, I terrorist he counter, he buy machine gun, i buy sniper weapon w8 for him, keep shooting him to death since i got my advantage. WEll, he even treated me for Lunch! HAHAS .
Well tuition sometimes not tat bad as u can see frm these posts, anyways learn TKD!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New president, America deciedes-results

defeated John McCain 338-162, poor John but no sorries to Sarah Palin for her thrash talk during the campaign
well guys in case u all haven't noticed, i m back from JB!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
away to jb
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Spicy food rating and cure for spicy food
u can view my ratings for spice lvls here, since i luv to eat spicy food
i rate spice lvls from 0-10
0-Chilli sauce frm fast food restaurants, chilli frm school canteen, wasabe
Reason: Chilli supposed to be eaten spicy, not sweet, the chilli sauce n the school canteen's chilli sauce so sweet. N wasabe, not even spicy, ppl say spicy but not to me, it only makes my nose itch
1- School Laksa, Katong Laksa...
Ya, only a little, so little that i almost taste no spiciness, too much coconut milk drown in the chilli sauce, thats why not spicy
ya curry like very spicy like that, only a little, barely can feel spiciness
3.5-Tom Yam foods
Oh thats a little better, the spicy and sour combined makes it a recipe for more spiciness, but anyway, not spicy enough for me
4-China's mala steamboat/chilli soup
Only slightly below average lvls for spice lvls for me. Sounds very spicy by the name, but in reality, got to live up its reputation to its sound very spicy name. It tastes more salty than spicy.
6.5-Chilli padi
ah that is where my spice lvl still can take it, but i can already taste some spiciness, it burns my mouth for 2 minutes.
8-Taiwan's "World's Spiciest"
not even world's spiciest but then u noe, i ate a bowl of chicken noodles in Taiwan during winter time n i added a teaspoon of this chilli into my bowl of soup, immediately, when i drink the soup, oh my god, the spice goes through my whole body then i started sweating profusely, i had to endure the chilli and spice to finish the bowl of noodles, strangely enough, after i finished the bowl of noodles, i stopped sweating and no more burning senstaion in my mouth
10-Naga Jolokia, World's truly hottest
this one the worst i n my brother eated it n it burned our mouths. it burned my mouth for 2 hrs, while my brother, not used to spicy food, got his burned for 12 hrs!!!
oh my god, i drank so much milk and my brother also too. We tried to eat chocolate but doesn't work, omg, burning mouth for 2 hrs doesn't feel comfortable
Now, so cure of chilli
0-Toothpaste, chocolate
Worst cures u can possibly get, burns your mouth even more
stays in your mouth, dun feel spicy, but after that if u drink down the water, the burning sensation comes back
of course milk man, a good cure you can get, u drink and after u drink down, a little of the spiciness can be cured
Yes, very surprising, Wasabe is a good cure, just popping some in my mouth cures the burning sensation
got more spicy food or cures you can intoduce to me, then i will give my ratings personally
Friday, October 17, 2008
find this pics funny
edit : pics from 3d's class blog. - baron , 4chan.org
so erm haha to some very serius ppl everyday, lau zhong yang, james, pls relax,
not like thisplay computer games make sure u play the gd 1, not this kind of game lah

so erm, now maybe if u all dun 1 play computer, want to do adventuring, can look for mas selamat lor, or maybe--->
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My SA2 results
Here it is,
English Paper 1: 35/60
English Paper 2: 27/50
Chinese Paper 1: 49/70
Chinese Paper 2: 42/70
E.Maths: 59/100
A.Maths 40.5/80
Science(Physics): 44/85
Science(Chemistry): 39.5/85 But then becoz of stupid chem, i fail combined science :(
History(World History): 26/50
History(South East Asia): 17/25
E.Geography: 21/50
Social Studies: 38/50 But then combine social studies n geog marks in 1 combined humanities, i pass :)
ok folks, see u in sec 4s lols
WEll, so happy with my results, didn't noe last minute study also works, didn't noe not sleeping n watching soccer helps too, well i shall do that just b4 every exam, i dunno how come my social studies so gd also, i study only 10 mins b4 exam, so nxt time i just study ss 10 mins b4 exams, maybe sure get gd results again, lols.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
STUPID MARKETS, I LOST S$42, 810 in 4 days!!!
grrrrr...well, chin siang, class merchant, wat shld i invest in now?
anyways, forget the stupid markets,
exams r over, so time to relax! time to watch Soccer till my eyes burst!
2day went for my tkd class as usual
n then u noe, got this girl, real gd impression of her.
she's only 7 yrs old, thats rite, SEVEN yrs old, u noe, for double turning kicks, she can do 73, yes! 73 in a minute, i was like, stunned lah, i didn't even come close tot hat, i only did like 62, my assistant coaches did like 68 only, wa lao wei!
that girl is also a real born leader, shes my unofficial assistant coach lah, she sees ppl in trouble, she will stand in to help, ppl dun noe pattern, she help teach, she damn shiok lor
shes oso the bravest girl i have ever seen, she only stands at my leg height, yet when i sparred with her, she dared come forward to kick u noe, shes the only person to do that for her age n a rare person who do that
Oh My God!
i see this girl can become our Olympic gold medallist by 2020, she will be 20 yrs old, gd enough to compete
wow, i m so truly ashamed man, haha lols
Monday, October 6, 2008
Jaston's wonderfull throw!!!
history n a.maths only!!!
i dun consider chinese as a paper, i consider it as a waste of time, so chinese enthusiasts, srry n my apologies
then after that i can enjoy myself
k, this is wat i want to talk about 2day
sometimes, interesting n fantastic things can just happen suddenly out of the blue
well it was abt a mnth ago, Pe lesson
Mr paul leong was teaching us softball, ok that is 1 quarter of the story, then some r batters n some r the catchers i think, srry i dun play softball, so i dun noe. well but then that is another quarter of the story.
so wat happen is that jaston was "batting", actually he not even batting, becoz mr paul leong think its 2 dangerous to use bats, so erm... jaston tossed the ball as far as he could
n guess wat?
the blue flew out of the school's multi-purpose court n then it flew into an OPEN WINDOW in the PRIMARY SCHOOL!!! then we were liked "omg man!!" frm the multi-purpose court throw all the way into the Primary school thru this open window. then even Mr Paul Leong himself was also stunned. lucky jaston never break any window, if not he have to pay lols.
well, wat an incident, i shall call this throw the Jaston's throw
Borussia Dortmund all the way!!!
No!!! wa lao wei, shld win lah
Borussia Dortmund 1 Hannover 96 1
Nelson Valdez 10 Mikael Forssell 25
match stats
55% 45%
Yellow cards
2 1
Red Cards
0 0
venue:Signal Iduna Park, Dortmund, Germany
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My name's meaning
so i m a copycat, haha lols
here it is anyway
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic “Type A” personality. You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people. Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems. Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. |
Wa lao wei
US economy so bad, Lehamn brothers bankrupt, AIG needs help( srry man utd fans), Merrill Lynch needs rescue, Washington Mutual no more, just 2 days ago, US economy down 700 pts, so shocking, then no 700 billion dollars rescue plan
then still got exams, only finished english papers 1 n 2, chinese paper 1 and e. geography, sianzzz
haaa ya! wat to do, i m so bored, simply impossible for studying mood, my brother lost so much money becoz of the US economy sianzzzzz
PS gd luck n all the best for ur exams, for those ppl having their exams/SA2, make sure all ur subjects get A1 hor.
Monday, September 22, 2008
school jacket
not a blazer or anything, its just like the japanese anime the jacket, thats the 1st choice and the 2nd chopice, the something like the jacket the Olympic atheltes wear during their victory ceremony.
both are nice, of course, i hope u all would buy lah, haha, anyway, of course designer not Kay Hian or Mr Kwok, its the Man Utd fan Brian Lim, the 3C guy, oh not the 3B the Brian Lim haha, 2 Brian Lims with the same chinese names.
well, anyways, i would love to wear a jacket, so hope all of u all order, anyway,
Mr Yap Kay Hian is talking abt the jacket tomorrow, ok, do order, Brian's design of the jacket is sure trustable.
Football news: oh wow, u all watch football this weekend its crunch time
Chelsea 1 man Utd 1
Man City 6 Portsmouth 0
Then the impressive Bayern 2 Bremen 5
exams r coming, make sure u all study hard, oks
Thursday, September 18, 2008
spanish primera liga focus: almeria
well welll, 2 day i wanna talk abt almeria
last season, almeria was real damn good, they were newly promoted n went on to finish 8th placer, not bad man.
however, the coach, who led them to this feat, Unai Emery, is not at Almeria anymore, hes with Valencia now.
Unai Emery, Can Almeria manage without him?
Last season, Almeria's results do stun some people, if you can see, how well they perform, some good results here
Almeria 2 Real Madrid 0
Sevilla 1 Almeria 4
Deportivo La Coruna 0 Almeria 3
Almeria 2 Barcelona 2
Lucky, their topscorer Alvaro Negredo is still at Almeia, still hoping to focus their deadly giant killings, well anyway, Numancia also have to be credited, for coming so close to beating Real Madrid and won Barcelona.
Well, this season Almeria's notable performance is against Valencia, the score is 2-2, well, what a welcome Unai Emery was given back at Almeria, well his former team doesn't treat him as a friend but just a respected person.
Well, lets hope Almeria can achieve some more giant killings this season.
Like this, football will be beautiful, not just see ppl like Juventus, Chelsea, Man utd, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Inter Milan win all the time.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
yesterday..feeling damn gd n tired
yesterday, my club tkd supposed to perform for the mid autumn festival for the club so i left the guard duty for some1 else to do haha.
well wells, the performance went on well, with just maybe a slight hiccups.
a lot of small kids over theere, so u see i have to help clear popcorns, plasticine before the performance for my club starts. wa lao, kids do know how to litter man.
wat to do, i oso have to ensure the best conditions for my trainees
anw, later after the performace, my trainees each got a goody bag, haha, i dun have 1, lolz, i m just a coach, so no goody bag for me sighs
my tkd club chairman went to being us to a restaurant to have our dinner. i ordered some hor fun, then fucking nice man
later we went to play bowling, ah my bowling sux, the best i can manage is to waste my strikes
i kept losing to my trainees in bowling lolz, 1st time i play like only score total 32 pts, then 2nd even worse, score 28 pts, 3rd slightly improved with 48 for score
anyways, play bowling then later hear from my handphone that LIVERPOOL WON MAN UTD!!! STUPID LAH, man utd shld have drawn!!! STUPID WES BROWN own goal.
at least that didn't spoil the mood alh 2 much, we played bowling till 11 pm, thank you wei jie for letting me a chance to play although i was alittle 2 lousy
Saturday, September 6, 2008
becoming a security guard? u kidding me?
My TKD club going to have a mooncake celebration.
And aanyway, my instructor called me to come and be a security guard.
hey is he kidding me? i have no guarding experience, no.1. no.2, i can be a gd security guard meh?
waa lao wei, gimme this kind of job for wat man, doesn't suit my interest and maybe my ability.
i want to eat mooncakes lah,. not be a security guard.
Anywayss, holidays just going to be over in 1 and a half day, enjoy yourselves whereever you can and make sure that u all concentrate on ur exams lah, thats my advice, dun look back on the past and look to the future.
Football predictions:
England 1 Andorra 0
Reasons: england plays football in a boring way. wes brown, who give support to c.ronaldo to the ball, now supports beckham for england. beckham cannot run as well as ronaldo, his best days r over.
anyway, man city is going to be like chelsea, spend big, who r they going to buy? heres the director's shopping list
Man City shopping list
1)Ruud van Nistelrooy (Real Madrid) - £30m
2)Lionel Messi(Barcelona) - £80m
3)Vedran Corluka(Tottenham Hotspur)- £15m
4)Cesc Fabregas(Arsenal) - £60m
5)Ruben de la Red (Real Madrid) - £20m
6)Javier Saviola (Real Madrid) - £30m
7)Cristiano Ronaldo(Manchester United)- £134m
8)Ronaldo (Flamengo, on trial) - £20m
9)Pele- Free Transfer
10)The entire Manchester United squad - £500m
Projected total spending: £889m
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Posters up for grabs
Olof Mellberg (Aston Villa)
Andrey Arshavin(Russia)
Aliaksandar Hleb(Barcelona)
Diego(Werder Bremen)
Frank Lampard(chelsea)
Edgar Davids(Tottenham Hotspur)
Juan (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
Paolo Montero(Juventus)
Mark Viduka and Michael Owen together(Newcastle)
Chelsea team photo
Manchester United team photo
Netherlands team photo(2nd choice team)
Sergio Ramos(Real madrid)
Ivan Klasnic(Croatia)
Pavel Nedved n Alessandro Del Piero together(Juventus)
Fabio Cannavaro(Italy)
Ruud Van Nistelrooy(Netherlands)
Jose Mourinho( Chelsea blazer)
Arsene Wenger(Gunners blazer)
Edwin Van Der Sar(Manchester United)
Mauro Camoranesi(Italy)
Argentina Olympics team
Iker Casillas(spain)
Samir Nasri(Arsenal)
David Beckham(LA Galaxy)
David Bentley( Tottenham Hotspur)
Sir Alex Ferguson( Man Utd blazer)
ok, soccer fans out there... please do place your order. please leave your proper name and the poster you want there or you can tell me on msn or call me, provided you have those information.
Alright my story hahas.
2day my parents not at home, so i decided to cook noodles for myself. sick of maggi mee, wat to cook, well i cooked ban mian(the chinese falt noodles)
well, last time, i wasn't a good cook, i rely on the smoke alarm as my kitchen timer, of course smoke alarm not a very good kitchen timer, well i slightly improved, haha.
just you know, make a dough from flour and water, everybody shld know that. then i just cut the dough to smaller piece, then just use the roler flatten them. put more flour on the dough so that they won't stick to the table or roller. then after that i boil some chicken brough, then add some cabbage and pork meat. Then add my homemade noodles, the i put ikan bilis, ah ya dunno how spell, hope its corect, then add a egg then just boil for like 3 more minutes haha, n i get to eat.
haha, i m not trying to be like the TV cooking shows lar, just wanna share my experience, if not wat to write leh. haha
well, more posts coming up, bbut should be about soccer.
By the way, man city is out of their minds, they want to sign cristiano ronaldo!!! ask them go home sleep lar. They already have wright-phillips n robinho, they dun need another winger.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Premier League focus:Arsenal

Well, some parts of my story, i would like to apologise to Arsenal fans like Eugene Wong n Javier Ng, however, i speak wat i like.
Arsene Wenger, wat r u doing?

U r a masterstroke at signing cheap young players, but y did u sign a lousy silvestre?
he is old. Y did u think ferguson would sell u silvestre. Last season, when liverpool wanted heinze, he refused to sell him to them.
Wat does selling Silvestre mean?
1)Silvestre is 2 lousy n would pose no threat if used against Man Utd
2)Arsenal is not a threat to ferguson n would therefore spare them with silvestre
Hello, Arsene, didn't u want a midfielder to replace Flamini?
u linked Jeremy Toulalan, Yaya Toure, but u didn't sign any as far as i m concerned.
Arsenal defence is also a problem, yet u still loaned Phillipe Senderos to AC Milan, Van den Berg, Troare, Nordtviet... to clubs, ur defence is weak, come on, u still loan out Senderos? Wat a big joke. Even worse, u sold Justin Hoyte to Boro.
U r now left with these main defenders
Bacary Sagna, William Gallas, Johan Djorou, Kolo Toure, Mikael Silvestre, Gael Clichy, Emmanuel Eboue
ur 2ndary defenders, can they be trusted?
Kyle Bartley, Thomas Cruise, Jay Emmanuel-Thomas, Gavin Hoyte, Abu Ogogo, Paul Rodgers and Rene Steer
they r 2 young, not much experience, come on n u sell Hoyte n loan Senderos?
Omg, wat r u doing Arsene.
I m srry Arsenal fans, but i dun think Arsenal will win any trophies this season.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Double Horror
a double horror, i failed 2 of them. here are my results anyway for u all to compare
Pure History-20/40
A.Maths: 17/40
could have scored better in all, i m so damn fucked up angry. A.maths, i could have gotten 5 more marks, physics could have passed also if the Varella got tell me properly which topics would be tested then the bloody history, i could have gotten 6 more marks!!!!!!
double horror indeed.
2day have some fun tho, i threw lots of paper aeorplanes out of the window for fun. Heehee! I LITTERED THE SCHOOL!!!!!! haha, but Mr Low Tung Mun asked me pick up the thrash i have created, sigh.
Well, have a girl gonna quit tuition, she go ask me for my number. Like she will nvr see me and will miss me. well anw, actually i will miss her 2, haha lolz
thats all folks, i updated all my 3 blogs 2day.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy 2day, waiting for my collapse 2morow
however i have still 3 more papers n i m not confident of passing any of these
they are History, Science(Physics) n A.maths.
well anyway my results for you to compare if u want
they are:
English paper 1: 18/30
English paper 2:25/50
Chinese: 31/50
E.Maths: 24/40
Social Studies: 17/25
E.Geography: 12.5/25
Science(Chemistry): 20/40
i m now at home, waiting n preparing for my collapse 2morow. anyway, gd luck to all of u ppl out there taking the exams, i hope u all do well lah.
Yay! i passed my Napfa test for 2.4km run. Anyway i nvr fail, just that i nvr took the test. Pity Hia Ren tho, he want improve timing, but timing dropped.
Grrrr....Change classrooms as well. Well my class 3henry going change with 3 kelvin. Ah ya, the person leg break, the Ang Chor Yuk so he cannot walk up stairs then must change class. Wa lao wei, change class change with 3 I wat, more convenient,y must change with us, wa piang eh!!!!
Its time to face my destiny.
However, Only Yap Puay Tong will decide his destiny n no 1 else will.
Friday, August 22, 2008
How to control my bad temper?
below r some of the incidents with my bad temper, really fell regretful with some n maybe srry for 1
my mum-omg, how could i just scream at my mum? maybe i wasn't happy wat she scold me but y have i just shout at my mum? Grrr...I cried in my room, real feeling bad
mr denis koh-lost my temper when he wanted confiscate something of mine. i shout into his face.
mr chong-again lost my temper, not once but four times this year.
traffic police-traffic police come kwai lan me n my brother. my bro. wan me go tuition on time so he drove past 2 red lights. 2 incensed when i saw we were tailgated by the traffic police. i got out of the car to push a traffic policeman. got off with a caution but will surely go prison if i do that again
mr ng chor yam-argued with him loudly at the front porch
immigration authorities- the singapore immigration authrotities apparently didn't allow my family to bring food like dumplings from malaysia. again just shout at them
a parent- well a taekwondo tournament, then after that i was working as an official. my job was to get ppl ready. then a parent felt unhappy that his daughter had to sit on the floor. so he come scold me, then i shout back at him. omg, i m working as an official. i shld be polite but i scold that parent. wats more, my bad temper also caused me to walk over n disqualify his daughter. the daughter cried lah, n i felt bad. srrry to the parent
my tkd trainees- really pissed me off when they dunno wat is left n rite. well they were like small boy small girl, i shout at them, then they scared of me, really felt bad. well, a person in the sch helped me anyway with how to teach left n right anyway.
my tkd instructor-wasn't happy with the way that he was so strict. i often go up against him that he quit the club, i blue belt that time. to this day, really felt bad n want to say srry to him
my nephew- well, only 3 yrs old, but u noe, he not very understanding wat. but again, i lost my temper n just proceed to smack him. he got nightmares for 3 nights consecutively. felt really damn bad
n the list of names still goes on.............
how do i control my temper, pls i dun want to go around shouting at people, n i dun want go jail, before i really do, please give me some advice, real real please, please dun hesitate to tag and give your advice here, thank you.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Over the week
well heres a post anyway.
wat happened over the week.
lots of things happened over the week. Last post i mentioned abt competition rite. yup its a tkd competition, i wasn't there to spar, was just there as the so called team manager.
just coaching my team. they won 4 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze. ok, at leeast everybody won something, but i wasn't really happy. i sent 9 ppl means i want all gold medals. but some1 in school later advised me not to punish them or push them to hard. later another person also told me competition is abt training, not abt the prizes, its abt how hard u train. if u dun really deserve the gold, throw it away. so after that, i spared my trainees but not some1, shall not mention who.
then after that got to really study so again i won't be blogging for i think, 2 weeks.
Anyway, everybody study hard for exams. do well man!
after all, national day celebrations. yup, time to make some fun. and make some fun in sch almost got me into trouble. haha lolz. sang the last part of the school song purposely loudly. it didn't really turn out that well and the teachers took it as an insult. Sian.......lucky no punishment. but if i do anything of the sort, i would face immediate public caning!! sian......
happy 43rd bday singapore, its a little late, haha.
well make sure all of u all study alittle hard to switch to studying mood, lolz
Saturday, August 2, 2008
blogged again
but then may not be, got some competition 2morow, sianzzz
anyway, basically no time to blog this week, anyway watever it is, i have basically beeen caught up with operating 3 blogs. One of the blogs more livelier than this 1 though this is the main. My main anyway, i just want to keep it more private, however people r still welcome to read
basically i treat this blog like my diary, for me and some random people to read this blog. well well, don't really know what to say anyway just wanna say a good day to all of you guys anyway. PS, i may not be blogging on this, my main blog as often as before.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
my weekend
Germany beat Italy 3-1 in the UEFA under 19 championship final
Germany 3(Lars bender 24, sukuta-pasu 61, gebhart 80) Italy 1(Raggio Garibaldi 78)
Red cards: Florian Jungwirth 36(Germany), Matteao Gentili 69(Italy)
wow, my parents went to somewhere, leave me alone in the house means some fun man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i sure do know how to enjoy myself, instead of drinking plain water, i have been drinking coconut juice this weekend, my 3 meals were mainly durians. harvest season of durians damn good sia just make sure that i just keep filling my stomach with them!!!!!!!!
mmmmmm......sounds like i have to eat more durians!!!!!durians, oh my favourite..
anw, nthin much to say lah, u noe that 50th anniversary for the school so ya lah, happy bday to the sch lah
Thursday, July 24, 2008
22 July Mrs Elenda Loh, dun cry pls
Worse is, hope that she will not be angry with my class lor. Hope that she will NOT give up teaching my class maths.
Basically just like seconds from disaster, i will countdown how ppl make her angry
22 July, Wednesday, 11:49 am, 27 mins to disaster
Jeremy Sia launches attack on ianlex, dunno y lah, but like very fun, nth better do, then just feel so bored, then Ianlex sht vulgarity lor.
11:50 am, 26 mins to disaster
Ianlex punished for shouting vulgarity, had to stand in front of the class.
11:57 am, 19 mins to diaster
Jeremy went to say more things loudly in class, but not vulgarities, mrs loh thinks that they r vulgarities, he refused to be punished
12.00 pm, 16 mins to disaster
Jeremy continued the attack with Ianlex, shouting at each other in some funny things like Ianlex like Ms Rafidah all this things lah. made Mrs Loh getting more feddup as she thinks jeremy is shouting vulgarities.
12.05 pm, 11 mins to disaster
Finally jeremy made to be punished but then jeremy doesn't cease to attack Ianlex.
12.06 pm, 10 mins to disaster
Mrs Loh feddup n scolded the class, so angry until her face change colour, then Jaston, another 1, pissed her off by saying "c bai" for fun.
12.07 pm, 9 mins to disaster
Mrs Loh punished jaston but jaston say he nvr say the vulgarity because he nvr say out chi but only the letter c then followed by bai. But u know, i tot that was alr wrong lah, no point arguing back.
12.11pm, 5 mins to disaster
Mrs Loh could not take it anymore, left some work for us to do n went to look for Denis Koh
12.14 pm, 3 mins to disaster
Denis Koh came to class to find the 3 ppl, Jeremy, ianlex n jaston. I got kow pei by him for standing up to throw rubbish, ridiculous of him, mr kwok dun scold me for doing that.
12.17 pm, disaster strikes
Mrs Loh cried in front of Denis Koh, omg.
Real sad lah, basically thats wat happened. scared for my maths leh, wa lao wei, can't they just keep quiet during lesson lah. Wat happened after that,
Mrs loh- continued to teach, but showed no sign that she had cried at the 3d classroom
Ianlex, jaston, jeremy- think parents got called n all 3 were caned
Wa lao wei, real scared sia, 2day no maths lesson but then 2morow hope after the mass, she can teach us lah, pray hard n pray n pray n pray.
soccer news: Yay! Borussia Dortmund beat Bayern Munich in German supercup 2-1
Dortmund 2(Blaszczykowski 29, Hajnal 33) Bayern (Ekici 90)
Yay ! Germany in UEFA under 19 championship final with italy after beating Czech republic 2-1 after extra time.
Tevez thinks that United shld respect Ronaldo n let him leave for real if neccessary, Liverpool sign french young star david ngog, boswinga injured as chelsea win 4-0 at guangzhou, scholes to countdown his man utd career n lots more. But i leave important news here.
Monday, July 21, 2008
21 July: Racial Harmony spec + stupid trashtalk with chong
school stuff talk abt it later, now just talk abt racial harmony 1st
Never let the racists win in football, racists have threatened to spoil the beautiful game for years. Heres my record of racist abuse in football n we shld nvr let them happen. I believe that football shld be played with different races mixing well together n that every youth player, regardless of race, shld be given a fair chance to train n shine for their respective teams.
Famous quotes:
"Everyone should be aware of the need to kick racism out of society and football."
John Terry, Chelsea and England
"Football must be open regardless of colour or ethnicity."
Sol Campbell, Portsmouth
"It's important to support the Kick It Out campaign because nobody in the game wants to experience racism, on or off the pitch."
Dean Ashton, West Ham and England
"This kind of thing cannot continue. We have to try and abolish these things from football."
Ronaldinho, Barcelona and Brazil
so should racism continue? No, of course, ur fav footballers dun like it so y continue, let me share some disgraceful events
1) Former Spain manager Luis Aragones says "Demuestra que eres mejor que ese negro de mierda" to motivate Jose Antonio Reyes. What does that sentence means? It means show that u r better than that black piece of shit. Who is that "black piece of shit" Aragones was referring to? Thierry Henry. Ugly incident, British media calls for Aragones to be sacked. Anyway, i m happy that vicente del bosque is now in charge n not that idiotic racist manager Aragones.
2)German goalkeeper Roman Weidenfeller calls Gerald Asamoah a "black pig" n football fans agrees n hurled racist slurs against Asamoah. Weidenfeller quickly apologised but of course, it spiled the image of football. 1 week later, a German referee threatens to abandon the match between TSV Alemania Aachen n Borussia Monchengladbach after footy fans calls brazilian striker Kahe an "asylum seeker".
3)Valenciennes captain Abdeslam Ouaddou, a Morrocan was racially abused n in a league 1 match n filed a complain. Other players such as Ronaldinho, Dalian Atkinson, Dixie Dean, Samuel Eto'o, Paul Ince, Aron winter, Ruud Gullit n many others also got abused.
4)Neo-nazis have threatened time to time to use football to plan attacks on local ethnic communities.
5)On 4 April 2007, football supporters from Slovan Bratislava displayed a banner which contained the words 'Alles Gute Adi' and a smiley-head face of Adolf Hitler during a match against FC Senec; racist chants were also heard. Just three days later, Slovan Bratislava fans were responsible for directing monkey chants at Artmedia's Karim Guede.
6)Even Isreal is not free to racist abuse. When Jimmy Turk joined Hapoel Tel Aviv, he was racially abused by anti-Arab fans.
7)Marco Zoro, on November 27 2005 was the subject to racist abuse in Inter Milan vs Messina match. He attempted to stop the game single-handledly by leaving the pitch with the match ball. However, Adriano n others persuaded him to stay on n play.
Wat happens to those fans who just do racist abuse. the club they support gets the punishment. So they r not just harming themselves but their beloved clubs 2. Recently, Paris St Germain was banned from the French cup all thanks to their raciist fans.
so stop continuing the racist remarks n so on, racism must stop in football. Show your support to kick racism out of football on www.kickitout.org which is linked to my blog 2. N have a happy racial harmony day!

Anyway, ya so racial harmony in school just something ok lah. free food in canteen. the Morgan quite joker sia, other ppl take free food, he go take banana leaves. Then he also do lots of more funny things.
Wa lao wei, Chong Shao Hong again! Face him again. He said he was looking for me during hall assembly, i dunno y, he since when so caring. He say he sent 8 councils look for me when i m in the sch hall all the time, wat a ridiculous guy, he cock eye or wat man. Again he shout at me, really must know how to control my temper coz i ask him go n die, ah blast my mouth sia. it's sometimes impure.
Then apologised, not my usual style. Coz councils got some rehearsal then chong oversee them. But chong also quite inconsiderate leh, he jolly well know got so many ppl w8ting for him then he so inconsiderate. i let go my usual style of FIGHT WITH ALL UR HEART N SOUL, DIE WITH GLORY coz i really dun wan waste council time. Then chong still wan kwai lan me, still wan give thrash talk with me. He really so inconsiderate sia. Really hate his thrashtalk
some topics r real crap lah. Topics like china history also cover, we also talk abt fishes, cockroaches, birds, the hall, the dogs, chinese idioms, his boyhood times, say wat he got 1 electric engineer degree, like as if i belive like that. Also talk abt sch badge n name tag.
a lot of things also cover, cover so much crap, talking abt how handsome the student councils r, handphones, logics n illogics so n so blah blah blah, he really know how waste other ppls time. He not only wasting mine, but his also n the councils time. Sorry lah, those councils in the rehearsal thing, i apologise for chong shao hong, really quite inconsiderate, nothin better to do.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The whole morning, waste my time, I started sitting at the computer a 5.15 am then i cannot access studywiz, then later, after i use firefox, it was a little better, littler bit only
coz, it is still so slow like a snail. i think a fatman can run faster than the computer. Then morning until now, so many download failures, slow slow slow downloads, cannot access files, requests denied blah blah blah then up till Now at 3.34 pm, I only completed chinese( the audio took so long to load that i had to resort to guessing, i got 3/10 for that) n social studies, took me 3 hrs from 7.15 am to complete that, podcast so long to download, ah ya
friggin studywiz, run on 64k/year, no wonder so so so crapped up lah. Stupid server, thats why so lag lag lag lagn lag lor. Grrrr...if the school comes to us n tell us but its things also so crapped up, might as well save their trouble n ask us come school n learn lah.
sorry if i had been rude or wat, but this is really a whole damn freaked up fkind retarded elearning exercise.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Young players of the future
C. Ronaldo, Manchester United, Winger
Sergio Aguero, Atletico Madrid, Striker
Lukas Podolski, Bayern Munich, Striker
Nuri Sahin, Borussia Dortmund, Midfielder
Igor Akinfeev, CSKA Moscow, Goalkeeper
Lionel Messi, Barcelona, Winger
Vincent Kompany, Hamburger SV, Defender
David Silva, Valencia, Midfielder
Denilson, Arsenal, Midfielder
Gonzalo Higuain, Real Madrid, Striker
Ibrahim Afellay, PSV Eindhoven, Midfielder
Giovanni Dos Santos, Tottenham Hotspur, Winger
Nicklas Bendtner, Arsenal, Striker
Wayne Rooney, Manchester United,Striker
Miguel Veloso, Sporting Cp Lisbon, Midfielder
James Milner, Newcastle United, Winger
Lulinha, Corinthians, Midfielder
Ezequiel Lavezzi, Napoli, Striker
Ivan Rakitic, FC Schalke 04, Midfielder
Marcelo, Real Madrid, Left Back
Luka Modric, Tottenham Hotspur, Midfielder
Theo Walcott, Arsenal, Striker
Samir Nasri, Marseille, Midfielder
Urby Emanuelson, Ajax Amsterdam, Left back
Freddy Adu, Benfica, Midfielder
Giuseppe Rossi, Villarreal, Striker
Francesc Fabregas, Arsenal, Midfielder
Jesus Navas, Sevilla, Midfielder
Guillermo Ochoa, Club America, Goalkeeper
Ryan Babel, Liverpool, Winger
Carlos Vela, Arsenal, Winger
Sergio Ramos, Real Madrid, Right back
Nani, Manchester United, Winger
Sebastian Giovinco, Juventus, Striker
Kerlon Souza, Cruziero, Striker
Fran Merida, Arsenal, Midfielder
Ever Banega, Valencia, Midfielder
Alexandre Pato, AC Milan, Striker
Anderson, Manchester United, Winger
Fernando Gago, Real Madrid, Midfielder
Yoann Gourcuff, AC Milan, Midfielder
Gareth Bale, Tottenham Hotspur, Left back
Mario Gomez, VFB Stuttgart, Striker
John Obi Mikel, Chelsea, Midfielder
Micah Richards, Manchester City, Defender
Bojan Krkic, Barcelona, Striker
Toni Kroos, Bayern Munich, Midfielder
Yes, thats all, ppl, enjoy ur elearning day 2morow.
N last but not least, wish Kay Hian a happy bday n hope all his wishes comes true!
Karim Benzema, Lyon, Striker
Luis Suarez, Ajax Amsterdam, Winger
Diego, Werder Bremen, Midfielder
Monday, July 14, 2008
Freaking delay
Anyway, this i can take care. I also pon the founders day, waste my time.
aiya, worst thing, elearning, kwok wan everybody add him on msn, sian after e learning just block him or better still, kick him out of conversation but then he say he will give us a kick if he does that. Oh btw, anybody interested, his email is kwokwengyee@gmail.com. hahaha. U all wan email him then email him lor.
good luck to all taking o lvl chinese listening comprehension 2morow, score high marks, do ur parents proud man. Sleep well b4 your exams ok, yoz ppl. Listen properly, open up ur ears, ok?
soccer news: AC milan wanna swap Yohan Gourcuff plus 28 mill pounds for adebayor. Quieroz new portugal manager. Ac milan lost ronaldo to flamengos. shevchenko wanna go sampdoria., c.ronaldo out for 3 mnths n then vieira will welcome lampard to inter. Inter to swap adriano with lampard n sergio aguero is a target for liverpool, arsenal n man utd. thats all for now, will update soon.
Friday, July 11, 2008
I really need some advice....
1st, being chosen to be the class rep for the founder's day thing, actually not i want lor, its a lucky dray then i unfortunately being drawn
2nd, gonna get caned by the denis koh for defiance, pure crap, i where got defiant?! on monday which is gonna be a real bad feeling.
3rd gonna get punioshed by kwok, it real sux lah. practically my whole class nvr do homework 1 lor, then he just punish everybody
I really need some advice,
1st, how to minimise pain from caning
really, i can buy a mc from doctor n pon school but that is cowardly or purposely come late to sch, hoping that he will forget, but that is also coward
wear 3 pairs of underwear, starting from small to double xl with pe pants underneath my school trousers, but cannot guarantee that he would cane my buttocks, might go for my palm
or i can fight back at him, throw something, make sure that i m not a person he gonna cane easily, small things, then he want turn big things, then i also never get defiant with him, it is him who made up the story by himself, a storyteller indeed, n i will just make sure he gets it. but it will get me to more trouble of course, so i really dunno wat to do
if u got any GOOD ADVICE FOR ME, pls tag n tag n keep tagging about ur good advice for me, i will appreciate that!
For soccer, liverpool sign brazilian goalkeeper diego cavalieri n then blatter, the big mouth fifa president calls ronaldo a modern day slave which he agrees.
Blatter should for once shut his mouth, he got into enough trouble when he encourages women to wear bikinis to play football n also he shouldn't criticise national team managers but he did to kobi kuhn by saying he is 2 loyal to expereienced campaigners but in fact kuhn drop world cup 2006 captain johann vogel for the euro 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
school life
yah yah, the stupid temperature taking execise thing, it sux lor. I forget bring my thermometer then i kanna sent for iCan lor. Sent for iCan u think i wan go meh, of course not lah, who will wan waste their time on such a lousy detention class. Down there sit there write some shit only n then do nothing for an hour. Of course, fite till u die n that is how u shld go n also must take risks if not u will never succeed in life, ya lah. so of crse dun go lor.
Boring boring lessons. Maths lesson getting more n more boring each day comes. Boring until wan sleep. elenda loh is pregnant btw. Varella, the physics teacher damn boring 2, boring until class eat peanut butter n bread during his lesson, so so so soso boring. That time, the esplanade concert n then we eat durian during his lesson nxt day. take a knife, chop up durian in front of him, of course, it rox lah. boring boring lessons. Sianzzzzzzzz............
then i dun know lor, oh yes, dunno y my class used for maths the olympiad thing we also never got informed, many of our worksheets, files, notes etc went missing. Now my class hates the councillors lor. but come on man, council do their jobs only wat, blame the stupid school for keeping their mouths shut. Then the steven tay, the vp think he like wat police officer or detective, wan to investigate the thermometer, which ianlex say under his desk but lost the very nxt day after our table clearouts.
sianzzz, about soccer nothing much lah, just sick of the ronaldo saga, like as if no other good news report already. Trezeguet wuits international football, then the andy johnson linked to sunderland n villa. ronaldinho to ignore barca order n join the brazil olympic team n then sidwell pass medical, gonna join villa soon.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Random picture
Old fashioned
y is he outdated?
let me tell u y.
story goes like this, my class got ppl listen to mp3 during physics lesson. k the physics teacher called varella. He er...lesson very boring...siansation in lesson 1 lah so very sleepy then some ppl listtten to mp3. Varella told those people to put away their RADIOS!!!! I can't believe it, whole class laughing, wat radio man, mp3 call radio, he damn outdated sia.
then some ppl of course still listening. so he said hey, pls take off ur earplugs, omg that is so damn funny lah. wat can u hear from an earplugs, mr varella, the big time joker sia.
At lst, school got some jokes like this.
as some ppl know, i blow whistele, then kwok dun know i blow whistle until abt 5 days ago, when some councils inform him abt me bowing then thats how got found out lor. who r those councillors, i dun know n not interested to know. But dun worry whoever that guy report me, i dun care this kind small thing lah, no grudges against councils lah, just to sum up.
back at home, they lzy the maid go back home so does my maid but i nvr cry like him lah... as he says in his blog i just erm wish her goodluck n farewell n leave lah...of course it is damn sad but at the same time, i thank her for wat she has done for my family lah har. So ya youth day, so wish every1 a good youth day .
oh btw, i apologise forgot to talk abt sweden in my uefa euro 20008 analysis, k for sweden
an average side in the euros. Over reliant on world class player Zlatan Ibrahimovic. henrik Larsson came out retirement but might as well not come out as he only performed in 1 game n the rest largely anonymous. Dun know y Isasskson lost his place at man city still can play in euro
k n all of u just take care n wish u all well.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
My analysis on Euro 2008
I analyse the various teams performances in the Euro
Austria and Switzerland
Hosts of the tournament n switzerland cruelly say goodbye to the tournament after a turkey comeback n also a lose against the lacklustre Czech republic with captain n topscorer Alexander Frei was definitely an indication luck wasn't on their side. Otherwise, the Swiss team played well with their young squad despite coach Kobi Kuhn dropping world cup 2006 captain Johann Vogel. For Austria's case, they also dun have luck n r simply wasteful in their goalscoring ability as they had many chances to score against Croatia, Germany n Poland. They should be playing like their women's team, which is far more deadlier when trying to score goals. In Austria, sayings of the whole Austrian team was rubbish except for captain n best playmaker Andreas ivanschitz turned out to be the other way round as other team members like Martin Harnik n Sebastian Prodl shone but Ivanschitz did more or less nothing. To sum it up, Austria performed well in this tournament but wasteful at goalscoring.
Germany n turkey
Both teams have great teamwork n also their fighting spirit makes both teams not to be written off n taken lightly with. Never write off the Germans is this famous saying n i wanna put Tourkey in as well. Turkey comebacks against Switzerland, Czech republic n Croatia n Germany until Phillip Lahm's last minute goal dashed their hopes of making it to the Euro final. For Germany's case, if not for Michael Ballack n Bastian Schweinsteiger, they might not have made it to the final. Joachim Loew n Fatih Terim, Germany n Turkey's coach has done pretty well to motivate their team.
Czech Republic n Greece
2 very lacklustre teams in the tournaments. Czech republic's fluke win against Switzerland was marred by defeats against Portugal n Turkey n also a very bad way of seeing off their coach Karel Bruckner. For Greece, they did not win any games during the tournament n proved to be lousy defending champions.
The biggest dissapointment in the tournament. Despite having many world class strikers such as Thierry Henry, Nicolas Anelkas n young starlets Hatem Ben Arfa n Karim Benzema with good attacking midfielders such as Florent Malouda, Samir Nasri n Franck Ribery, they managed to score only 1 goal in the tournament. Patrick Vieira's inclusion in the squad also raised questions as Vieira is injured n unfit n Raymond Domenech can pick a fit Matthieu Flamini, who shone for Arsenal. Samir Nasri, young starlet, hardly played n only featured for the game against Italy when he replaced the injured Ribery. However, he was taken off 14 minutes later when Eric Abidal was sent off n Domemech decided to replace Nasri with Jean Alain Boumsong. Overall, a lacklustre performance n coach had guts to propose to wife after defeat by rival Italy.
Lucky to have gotten through the group stage despite the opening defeat n thrashing by Netherlands. Donadoni was certainly not the best choice of coaches picked to lead the italy's squad as he needed the help from the media whether to include Strikers such as Antonio Cassano n Del Piero, Gilardino n Inzaghi etc. Defend n dun know how to attack was superbly shown in the match against Spain, where they were knocked out in the Quarters after a 0-0 draw with Spain n lose by penalties.
Russsia n Netherlands
Better to have Russsia than England in the euros in my point of view. Superbly lead by magnificent coach Guus Hiddink n played marvellously against Netherlands to reach the semi-final. However, against Spain the semi final, the whole Russia squad seemed to have forgotten how to play well when they lost 3-0 n their captain Andrey Arshavin was largely anonimous. For netherlands, how could i not have seen their defeat to russia after winning all games in the group of death, Group C. Peaking so early in the tournament but lost their momentum against russsia.
Played extremely well in the Qualifying stages of the tournament when they managed to beat Portugal twice through goals from their best striker Ebi Smolarek. However, they were very different when they played in the finals when they only managed a point in group B. Ebi Smolarek was utter rubbish in the tournament n 1 has to look at the starting line up to know that Smolarek was playing. Leo Beenhakker must be rather very angry at his team's performances. Punished by a controversial penalty in the match against Austria.
Peaked in the group stage despite losing to Switzeland 2-0 in their final group stage match. Portugal, bowing out early in the quarter final despite a weakened Germany they were playing against. Only had themselves to blame n not chelsea, who annoucned scolari as replacement for Avhram grant during the tournament as their biggest star, cristiano ronaldo, performed very badly n was the tournament's biggest dissapointment. Very bad way to see off coach Luiz Felipe Scolari n not very good to see their legend eusebio da silva ferriera so sad.
an average side in the Euro. Star man Adrain Mutu was their biggest enemy after having a penalty saved by Buffon against Itlay.
Slaven Bilic had put a good young team together despite their best player Eduardo Da Silva injured. Luka Modric lead the assualt. Not a very convincing performance against Austria where they won by a penalty but very pleasing to watch against Germany n also Poland. However, a turkey comeback in the quarter final proved to dampen their morale as they lost 4-1 on penalties.
N of course Spain
Spain, the winner fot this year's tournament. Luis Aragones, a racist coach who infamously talked about Henry's skin colour to Jose Antonio Reyes, put together a good combination of midfield n never lost a game in the euro. Little surprise that Xavi hernandez won the player of the tournament award. Worthy winners, for me, Yes, even though i m a germany fan but ya, Spain performed well.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New skin
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Random picture
Interesting facts about football
1) Italian Christian Panucci cheated death when he made a last minute change of flight, missing the TWA flight 800 in 1996, which exploded 20 mins after takeoff n killing every1 on board.
2)Fernando Torres would be a rock star if he failed as a footballer
3) Paul Breitner is the famous 17 hours coach. 17 hrs after he was hired by the German FA to coach the national team, he resigned.
Stay on as i share more nxt week
Uefa Euro 2008
Youth day celebration
Waa...got some interesting games 2 by some students.
I gotta pay 50 cents to submerge my hands in cold icy water for 1 n a half mins to get free drink
aww! quite cold n shivery
Anyw, the soccer was quite FUNNY!
teachers kanna thrashed by 4H soccer team 4-1. mr melvin Seow scored a very nice long range shot tho. But Mr Soo commited blunders lah. So hahaha...