Sunday, July 5, 2009


so well june holidays over....

stupid h1n1, affecting our lives

my school got 1 fella tio h1n1, but he fuckin responsible, nvr come sch so we all nvr tio and we no need quarantine....

holidays nothing better to say, juz facebook, tv, whole day

then nvr study, kinda regret tat a bit

well stupid sch nvr hold youth day, posptone youth day to nxt friday

then later say nonono, want postpone till end of yr

well my ass lah, u want postpone till end of year, we sec 4 no nid celebrate liao, coz o lvls leh

is i tink u want scam our money lor

ha u tink i easily forgotten that we paid $5 for marist youth day for the school miscellaneous fees.

well if u tink u can fuck me or scma me, then i tink u r seriusly wrong

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